COLUMBUS, Ohio -- One can argue that no Ohio State position group is dealing with more “new” in 2025 than its offensive line.
OSU must find a way to replace four Day 1 starters from its 2024 lineup and the man in charge of doing that is new offensive line coach Tyler Bowen. Plus, there are three new freshmen and two new transfers, who are both expected to push for starting roles.
On this episode of Buckeye Talk, Stephen Means, Stefan Krajisnik and Andrew Gillis preview the offensive line, looking at all the names, goals for the spring and the group’s ceiling. Plus, a conversation about a former five-star and whether we think this group will be better, the same or worse than it was in 2024.
Thanks for listening to Buckeye Talk.
On this episode of Buckeye Talk, Stephen Means, Stefan Krajisnik and Andrew Gillis preview the offensive line, looking at all the names, goals for the spring and the group’s ceiling. Plus, a conversation about a former five-star and whether we think this group will be better, the same or worse than it was in 2024.
Thanks for listening to Buckeye Talk.
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Read the automated transcript of today’s podcast below. Because it’s a computer-generated transcript, it may contain errors and misspellings.
Stephen Means (00:04.292)
Welcome back to book I talk I’m Stephen means that’s the fun Christ thinking that’s Andrew Gillis. And as we wrap up spring practices officially starts on Monday, which means we got two more pods, got this pod where we’re wrapping up our position, positional breakdowns. And then we’re gonna essentially step on was not here last week when we talked to Ryan day and all the assistant coaches. So we’re literally just going to go back through a lot of those interviews about what Ryan day had to say about my Patricia, but Patricia had to say about why he’s here.
Brian Hartline, Billy Fessler, Tyler Bowen on down the list here. And essentially we’re doing a news pod a week and a half later. We know that, but it just felt more prominent heading into Monday when we are expected to be at the first of 15 spring practices. So get the text 61435331 pod. We did text out all that information. We’ve written a lot of stuff about that stuff. go read the site slash OSU and get the text cause that’s immediate. This pod is not always immediate because it’s not a news pod technically, though we do do some news pods every time.
one pops up, but for now we’re talking offensive line, Andrew’s favorite group. And so Andrew, I don’t know how to categorize people. We’ve been doing the who, the what, and the conclusion about all this stuff about better, same or worse, know, guys are buying stock in. And I don’t know how many guys do you are returning starters on Ohio State’s offensive line? Technically Andrew.
Andrew (01:27.54)
Yeah, so that’s kind of the hard part is like, Tiger Shibola returning starter. Carson Hensman returning starter.
Stephen Means (01:33.208)
Stephen Means (01:36.61)
Sort of.
Andrew (01:38.54)
think so. I think he played enough at the end of the year. But is is Luke Montgomery returning starter? I don’t know how to returning contributor. I don’t know how to qualify that. I don’t know. I don’t know how to put that in. Philip Daniels like he started last year, but not at Ohio State. So it’s not a returning starter, but he was a starter last year. There’s just
Stephen Means (01:41.678)
Andrew (02:05.23)
There’s a lot of confusion about how to classify some of these guys on this offensive line.
Stephen Means (02:12.206)
So here’s what is factual Stefan. You’re left. I don’t know how to classify any of this stuff. Let’s do this. Let’s go off of what the starting lineup was. The first, well, even then you can’t do it because Donovan Jackson wasn’t helping Austin Zerobild step down. This is, you see, this was.
Stefan Krajisnik (02:29.763)
Well, I was gonna say if if if Luke Montgomery is technically a returning starter slash contributor, then also several it’s definitely a returning starters as contributor, he got even more starts than Luke Montgomery.
Stephen Means (02:44.292)
So here’s the returning snaps counts. Tegra Shibola is 100%. It’s not a conversation returning starter. He was a starter on day one. He was a starter in the national championship game. 774 snaps. That’s the most snaps of anybody on the offensive line coming back this year. Second in returning snaps is Carson Hensman. He played 597 snaps in 14 games. He only played 32 more snaps than what Seth Watham played last year.
in 10 games. Now granted he was playing some left guard before something went off and got hurt.
Third in returning snaps is Luke Mike. No, excuse me. It’s Austin Cerebell with four 95. So Carson Hensman only played 102 more snaps than Austin Cerebell did last year, but Austin Cerebell also played in one more game than Carson Hensman played last year. Again, weird year for the offensive line. They had head and foot and mouth, whatever the name of that sickness is. They all got sick and fall camp.
So they were experiment with all these offensive lines and then guys got hurt throughout the year. So they were experiment with new offensive lines, literally up until the final snap. I had no idea who might be out there for the guard spots because they were just kind of rotate guys. Austin’s have a four 95 loop, Montgomery, two 61. There is not a tackle returning on this roster who has played more than 50 snaps because George Fitzpatrick is not here. Ian Moore only played 31 snaps last year.
Zin Maholsky played 158 snaps last year. He’s gone. And obviously Josh Fry had 928 snaps. He graduated and Josh Simmons 306 snaps before he got hurt. He is also gone off to the NFL. So here’s what you have next up. Here’s what I’ll do. Tech Wishabola is bona fide returning starter. Cause he was a day one starter here. He’s the only day one returning starter for Ohio State. Next up, you got offensive tackle Ian Moore Devante Armstrong.
Stephen Means (04:45.686)
Interior offensive lines about Luke Montgomery, Austin Cereveld, Deontay Armstrong, and Gabe Van Sickle. And then at center, you’ve got Josh Padilla. And then I’ll allow Carson Hinsman to be both next up and returner because Andrew, technically, he was a returning starter last year because he was the starting center in 2023. This is all just one big happy. I don’t know if that was confusing or
Stefan Krajisnik (05:11.347)
Once again, we tip our cap to Justin Fry because how the hell did they make that happen?
Stephen Means (05:15.812)
Somehow that won a national title, not knowing what the heck is going on. Hey, what’s going on? I don’t know. We’re just going to figure it out on Saturday. Okay. Well, then you figure it out on Saturday. Kudos to them. And then here’s the newcomers. Let’s start with the recruits. Carter Lowe, number 74 player, number 11, offensive tackle in the country out of Ohio. Jake Cook, the number 376 player, number 23, interior offensive lineman, also out of Ohio from Western North. And then J-Von McFadden from Maryland, number 389 player.
number 24 into your office of lineman though, Ryan Dale, Saturday hinted that the idea that maybe he starts at tackle, but that wouldn’t be shocking. They’ve done that in the past when they started everybody at tackle and moved them inside because it does seem like Andrew and we’ll hold off on the two transfers conversation. does seem like there is more opportunity for guys to get reps this spring at tackle than there is at guard when even if it’s jumbled.
we kind of have an idea of who the jumble is between.
Andrew (06:17.262)
This to me very much feels like the defensive tackle conversation from last year where it was like, we don’t really know who’s after Tyleek and Ty, but there’s not really like an area that you’re like questioning because Hinsman, Montgomery, Shibola, Padilla, Cereveld, you mentioned one of the Armstrongs, Van Sickle. It’s like, okay, I just listed seven guys that could play three spots.
That’s a two deep and then a scout team player that you just listed right there, right? And freshmen typically play like third team. So it’s like, you’re probably good on the interior. You’re not really worried about, know, man, we might not have, you know, adequate guard depth because it’s like, well, you got Montgomery and Chibola and Ciroveld and Van Sickle and Padilla and.
I if you can’t figure out a starting guard out of them, you if you can’t figure out two starting guards out of that group, then you’re probably in trouble anyway. So I think that there’s just options there. think we’re going to see, I think that’s actually probably one of the more intriguing position battles, you know, going into spring practice because I think Carson Hinsman probably played well enough and probably has that center position, you know, pretty well locked down. But then you go, okay, well,
Stephen Means (07:40.312)
Does he?
Andrew (07:41.332)
Is Josh Padilla somebody that can play guard is, know, do they, do they like him there? It’s just, does Luke Montgomery take that step forward? There’s just, there’s so many options there. And I think at guard, you’re feeling okay. And at tackle, you’re going, okay, well, you got the two transfers and then, and then what? And then we don’t, we don’t really know who’s going to play backup tackle. And that to me is, is, is pretty interesting because it’s Ian Moore, I think, and then I’m not sure.
Stephen Means (08:13.707)
Carsten Henson’s for sure gonna be a start in center
Andrew (08:16.322)
I think he’s, I think, well.
I think he’s going to be a starting offensive lineman. I’ll put it like that. I think he’s going to be starting offensive lineman. So maybe I overstep by saying center, but I think Hinsman played well enough like from the Penn State game on where you go, we can play him at guard or center. And I think it’ll be fine. I think this is a Josh Padilla conversation more than it is a Carson Hinsman conversation because it’s like, all right, well, maybe Padilla can play center.
Stephen Means (08:23.012)
I agree with that.
Andrew (08:48.012)
And you like that combination of Padilla at center, Hinsman at guard more than Hinsman at center and Padilla at guard or somebody else at guard. So yeah, you know what, maybe you’re right. Maybe there, maybe there is a conversation with Hinsman not being the center, but being a starter.
Stephen Means (09:04.92)
Stefan, what if they just rotate their guards again?
Stefan Krajisnik (09:09.187)
I think I’m for it. I just.
Stephen Means (09:12.964)
You think they can win a national championship if they rotate their guards?
Stefan Krajisnik (09:18.099)
History suggests yes, that they can. I wonder.
Stephen Means (09:19.972)
Andrew (09:21.772)
I’m out on that. I don’t think they should.
Stephen Means (09:24.036)
You are out of this. here’s the deal. This is not, we’re not gonna argue it. We are not going to, you’re out on the thing they literally just want a national championship doing. So this is not a conversation of which one of our sides is right. I’m asking a question. Go ahead.
Andrew (09:26.272)
I know, I know, I know.
Andrew (09:32.226)
Yeah, I know.
Stefan Krajisnik (09:32.963)
We had this conversation too where I told Andrew that people once thought it was crazy to throw the ball forwards and it wound up working pretty well.
Stephen Means (09:43.768)
Yeah. So this is for start. We’re not trying to put together any game plan right now. I don’t have any football until well, they play football on Monday, but they don’t play play football and games until August. So that’s this. That’s not the conversation. Essentially. The reason I’m joking about that is it seems like they do have depth and the interior of their offensive line. Now it was born out of necessity. It feels like right guys started getting hurt. So they had to figure it out.
But in the midst of having to figure it out, they now have more options on the interior than I think they have had in a few years.
Stefan Krajisnik (10:21.155)
Yeah, the options on the interior are pretty good. You’ve got guys you can kind of mix and match and put in different spots. So maybe someone rises up and solidifies themselves as a starting left guard or somewhere maybe Tegra this off season really solidifies himself again as the starting right guard and Carson Innsman has an awesome spring and off season and he’s your definite starting center. Like that would all be great. That’ll be great. But if you do come to it where, you sometimes we say a quarterback, right? If you have two, if you have
two quarterbacks, probably don’t have one. I mean, on the offensive line, we learned that if you have three or four guards, you can have three or four guards and make it work. maybe people do solidify themselves as starters, but I think if you’re Ohio State, you’re looking at last season telling yourself, I mean, if we have to rotate and we feel better keeping guys fresh and moving things around, I don’t know why not, it just worked for you.
Stephen Means (11:16.642)
What if you have three quarterbacks? Can you win a national championship?
Stefan Krajisnik (11:24.917)
History suggests yes.
Andrew (11:25.314)
Just because it happened once, means it’s gonna happen every single time. That’s what I’m learning.
Stephen Means (11:29.956)
I’m just asking questions, man. I didn’t say they should or shouldn’t do it. I’m just simply asking questions. You are upset at the wrong person, my friend. You need to go take out these issues with Ryan Day and go out to Scottsdale and talk to Justin about this. I did not make these decisions. I am just an observer and talker about these decisions. Okay, let’s talk about the transfers.
Andrew (11:41.133)
I’m not upset.
Stefan Krajisnik (11:52.107)
I volunteer to go to Scottsdale if needed.
Stephen Means (11:55.972)
Oh no. I mean, it’s warm in Columbus right now, but it’s not like, Oh no, you’re escaping. No, it’s warm here. I think winter’s over. Yeah. I say that and then it’s going to be 20, 40 degrees. I apologize to people.
Stefan Krajisnik (11:57.752)
Stefan Krajisnik (12:05.161)
I don’t know why you would say that. I don’t know why you just said that.
Andrew (12:09.122)
Yeah, that’s the dumbest thing that’s been said on this podcast in a very long time. Steven proclaiming winter over on March, whatever, as we’re doing this.
Stephen Means (12:17.868)
I was outside in shorts and a t-shirt yesterday. Nah, granted, I went across the street and I was outside for all of 45 seconds, but it’s fine. Ethan Owen Yawa, the Rice transfer, he was a starting left tackle for really the last couple of years here. He has played a total of 2,249 snaps in his career at Rice, three year starter, 1,342 pass blocking snaps, and he’s given up 91 pressures and 14 sacks in those snaps. That’s not that bad. And then Philip Daniels,
Andrew (12:20.43)
Stephen Means (12:47.106)
was the starting right tackle for Minnesota late last year. The last four games, Illinois, Rutgers, Penn State and Wisconsin, he played 300 snaps overall 158 pass blocking snaps gave up nine pressures and one sack. He’s also the cousin of former first round draft pick Paris Johnson. So if it’s in the jeans, then with the ninth pick and whatever NFL draft somebody selects.
Philip Daniels, I don’t know. it is, maybe it isn’t. Stefan, are, Ohio State got over under.
one and a half starting right, starting tackles on day one in the transfer portal this year.
Stefan Krajisnik (13:34.039)
I think it’s over. think both the transfers are going to wind up being the starting tackles.
Stephen Means (13:37.75)
Okay, Andrew, over under one and half.
Andrew (13:43.202)
Yeah, easy over. I think it’s an easy over. think we kind of went into maybe the end of the year going, okay, if they don’t pull anybody out of here, it’s probably going to be, they need to get a transfer at least one. if they don’t get two, it’s probably going to be insert player here and Ian Moore. And then he went and go get both. And I think you can kind of see, okay, this might make some sense where
Stephen Means (13:45.92)
Easy over.
Andrew (14:11.33)
you know, Daniels can be around for a few more years with, Onyawa. Like I think, you know, he can, he can go pro at the end of this year. So he might be maybe a one and done type of player. And if that is the case, yeah, it’s like, then, you know, you can, you can map it out and go, okay, well, he can be, you know, that, that kind of quick fix and maybe Ian Moore can take that step. And, know, in, in 26, or maybe you have somebody else that you like or whatever. I think.
Stephen Means (14:23.19)
This is last year,
Andrew (14:39.362)
their plan was pretty clear and I think that they looked at it and went, need to get better at tackle and we need to find two starters. And I think that’s exactly what they did.
Stephen Means (14:51.296)
Is nobody open to Ian Moore being like, no, one of these tackle jobs is mine in YouTube.
Stefan Krajisnik (14:56.643)
I’m open to the idea. He obviously had to have a pretty impressive offseason, I think to make that jump. The thing I struggle with is that you wouldn’t got Owen now, you know, like you guys said, this last year of eligibility. I imagine you got him to start and imagine he came because he wants to start. The Daniels thing is interesting because he’s that’s that’s the spot where I think more can compete for it. I just struggle to think that if you wouldn’t got a guy who’s got starting experience at that position in the Big 10.
Stephen Means (15:12.9)
For sure. For sure.
Stefan Krajisnik (15:25.665)
and you get a couple years of him. Is it two years or three years of him? I think it’s two years you get Daniels. Okay, you’re probably looking at that telling yourself you have a chance to develop someone into a real star there who’s already got some experience is a year of him sitting. How beneficial is that to him?
Stephen Means (15:32.35)
It might be three. It’s at least two. It might be three.
Stefan Krajisnik (15:49.335)
So that makes me think that Daniels probably thinks he’s got a starting spot as well. Like you said, listen, if he had more wins the battle, wins the battle. You don’t have to think two or three years ahead if he had more is ready right now. But if both guys feel like developmental, you probably stick with the guy who’s got some starting experience there.
Stephen Means (16:09.828)
I guess the question is how much stock do we put in starting experience at Minnesota? I’m playing devil’s advocate on purpose here. I agree with you guys. I just for the sake of a conversation here. What, because Keenan Nelson Jr. No, nevermind. He only put out 181 snaps in his two years at South Carolina. And this is a safety by the way. they brought it, I don’t, I’m not gonna subscribe to the, just cause you brought a transfer and you brought him in because he’s automatically going to start.
And Ian Moore is not a five-star recruit. this is not Harry Miller, Paris Johnson, Donovan Jackson, where you’re in year two and it’s like, okay, well you just spent your first year in the two deep, now it’s time to go win a job, buddy. This is more of a, I don’t think, he was not in the two deep until an injury started happening last year, I don’t believe. Because then Mulholland and George Fitzpatrick were the backup left tackle and right tackle to start the season. And he,
Jumped into the 2d because again you ran out of options, which is why he only played I think 31 snaps and four games I just don’t know if Philip Daniels wasn’t a day one starter at Minnesota. He didn’t get the job until week 10 and so What if they’re at the same level? Right because I think they’re both just as much about the future as they are right now because they both have two three years of eligibility left so
Ethan Owen Yaw was going to be the starting left tackle. I have a lot of faith in that. I’m just...
Stephen Means (17:44.318)
I would lightly write Philip Daniels' name down as the starting right tackle right now, but I would almost put an or on it with him and Ian Moore. And maybe this is, they get out there on Monday and Tyler Bowen looks at those two and goes, fight, best man win. And I don’t know if we get to the Texas game, if either one of them is out there, I’m going to be floored by it. In fact, I’m almost expecting.
Whoever doesn’t win the job just becomes the swing tackle as the third guy in that situation.
Stefan Krajisnik (18:21.067)
Yeah, I think whoever doesn’t start is is definitely the third tackle like no matter what
Stephen Means (18:28.772)
So let’s talk about the recruits real quick. Andrew, the conversation is maybe Carter Love, Morton J Cook, and J Ma McFadden. Though again, J Ma McFadden’s not a little dude, and Ryan Day’s talking about him, like maybe he might do some tackle stuff, so I guess we’ll see. But for the sake of recruiting rankings, because this is the last time that’s going to matter, because once they start playing football, they just start playing football, Carter Lowe’s floor in 2025 is what?
Andrew (18:59.662)
Carlos floor in 2025. I thought you were gonna go ceiling. His floor.
Stephen Means (19:06.306)
Well, no, because the ceiling is obvious. I’m almost asking, is the ceiling and the floor the same thing? Because should this guy be setting himself up to go win a job in 2026? What are the bare minimum expectations for a guy who is a top 80 recruit who has spent a lot of time on Ohio State’s campus?
Andrew (19:26.626)
You know, I think obviously sans injury, you know, sans kind of everything there. I think you’re probably looking at what you saw from Ian Moore in 2024, which is, you know, you come in and I don’t think anybody’s expecting him to beat out and Yawa or Daniels or Ian Moore or maybe even one of the Armstrong’s early. Right. You know, when, when you look at kind of where the offensive line is, it’s like, okay, well, you know, maybe he’s that fifth tack.
just start. And then I don’t think it’s unreasonable expectations to look at a kid like that. Carter Lowe. I mean, I’ve seen him play before like great, great, great, great, great footwork. He’s really, really athletic. I really like Carter Lowe and I think fans should be very, very excited about him. So it’s like when you when you talk about him, I think the floor for him should be. OK.
Stefan, I know you’re the golfer, so I’ll ask you if this is right. You basically need to set up your putt, right? You need to set up yourself for you need to find your way onto the green and find yourself in for an easy putt and easy one putt where you can just like, you know what? I can take care of this in 2026. I’m going to put myself in position for that. I think that’s kind of what we saw from Ian Moore, where, know, obviously injuries had a part of that, but
Ian Moore, you you I talked to people at the Rose Bowl at that open media day and just kind of asked about Ian Moore and they said just by the end of the year, you could start to see, you know, he was stopping to think as or he stopped thinking as much. was starting to pick it up a little bit more. He started to get a little bit better. I think that to me is kind of the year that you would want from Carter Lowe where, know, you can say, okay, maybe by the end of the year, you know, we’re looking at this, you know, the November Slate of Games and Carter Lowe is in the too deep.
And it’s, maybe your tackles are Daniels and Nyawa and more and low. Maybe that’s who you want. And I think that that is probably a position that you would like to see Carter Lowe find himself in because then you are setting yourself up if there is an open tackle position going into 2026 that Carter Lowe can take that. So that to me, I think is probably where you would like to see. And I think that’s probably the floor of what this year is going to be.
Stephen Means (21:54.948)
All right, those are the people. It’s a lot of names, a of large human beings all vying to block for slightly less larger human beings who are faster and strong. Well, not strong, I wouldn’t say stronger, faster and more agile. Let’s take a break here and then it’s time to get into some goals and buy some stock for the offensive line on Poker Talk.
We’re back here on Buckeye Talk. Stephen Means, Stefan Kreisnick, and Andrew Gillis for previewing Ohio State’s offensive line where there are going to be four new starters, four new day one starters, maybe five. I don’t know how these battles are going to play out, but it’s going to be at least four new day one starters on the offensive line, along with a new offensive line coach Justin Fry off to the Arizona Cardinals as a new offensive line coach and Tyler Bowen comes in to take over the room.
Stefan you first. What is the number one goal of the offensive line this spring?
Stefan Krajisnik (22:47.971)
try to have some kind of an idea of what the starting five is going to be. And maybe maybe you’re just kind of trying to answer that question in four spots if we’re pretty confident that Owen now was going to be the starter at left tackle. So try to figure out what the other four are. Are you going to rotate guard or guys going to solidify themselves as guard? It’s tricky because I think it’s unreasonable to say you can answer that question in spring. If you walk out of spring and you know who you’re starting five is, I’d be pretty shocked.
right? Because I think this, there’s a lot of competitions that can and will go into fall camp. and like, that’s not cause for concern if you have competition going into fall camp, I’d argue it’s probably a good thing still. But can we can like, can we as reporters walk out of spring camp and be like, okay, we have an idea that these if they were to play Texas on April 13, these five would be the starting guys because right now I
How confident are we in any prediction about what the starting five is going to be? like I want to know where guys are playing like his Luke Montgomery playing right guard like is is Hensman fully at center or we seen him a little bit of left guard is is Josh Padilla, you know, solidify himself maybe as a potential starter like just a few practices we can be like, okay, didn’t know Luke Montgomery was an option there. Philip Daniels is playing center. where did that come from? Like, I don’t know. Like at this point.
I don’t count on anything with this offensive line and can spring give me some kind of an answer of what the starting five on August 31st 30th will look like.
Stephen Means (24:25.272)
the toll center.
Stephen Means (24:29.476)
65315. It’s not an extremely tall center, but it’s a tall center. Well, a lot of centers are, yeah, the centers are like 6′3 and stuff.
Stefan Krajisnik (24:35.747)
It’s all centered.
I mean, they rotated, they rotated guards on a national championship.
Stephen Means (24:42.242)
I mean, listen, everything is, man, apparently this team needs weird things to happen to win national titles. no, you lose your Heisman Trophy quarterback. we replaced him with the Big Ten Offensive Player of Year. no, you lose him too. It’s okay, we got this kid from Cleveland. He’ll just throw a bunch of bombs and Ezekiel Elliott will run all over Oregon and Alabama. no, we lost our first round of tackle. no, we lost our Remington Award winner. It’s okay.
just beat down on everybody and win a national title. Again, I saw a thing and I’m only saying this because Andrew’s on this podcast, where apparently Oregon’s two best seasons in program history have ended with a blowout to Ohio State. That’s tough, man. It’s a tough look. That’s a tough look. It’s bad for the brand, Andrew. It’s bad for the brand.
Andrew (25:25.806)
Didn’t they also, but didn’t they also lose a national title game at the gun to Auburn? I gonna say I did, I think they lost to Cam Auburn like 22 to 19 or something like right at the gun. I would have to check that, but I think Auburn made a last second field roll.
Stephen Means (25:31.957)
I don’t know Oregon Nightwell. Maybe.
Stephen Means (25:42.596)
All right, well, it’s still bad.
Andrew (25:44.366)
So you’re mostly right. You’re mostly right. I don’t know if you’re 100 % right.
Stephen Means (25:47.586)
I mean, yeah, but who we’re not talking about BCS era man. It’s about color.
Andrew (25:52.475)
We’re not talking about...
Stephen Means (25:56.292)
The BCS era when we let computers Yeah, yeah four score and seven years ago, it’s ridiculous who cares about that tall Center
Andrew (25:58.766)
What means does that happen 18 years ago? Let’s never talk about that again.
Andrew (26:08.652)
Wow, that’s funny. I’m going to start using that as an argument whenever you say, Andrew, that was X amount of time ago, or Andrew, that was forever ago. I’m going say, I’m just going to start using that and be like, nobody cares about that. That was forever ago.
Stephen Means (26:19.736)
Well, I know, I don’t care about that. That’s old news right there. Okay, what’s your number one goal, Andrew, for the spring for the offensive line?
Andrew (26:26.592)
Yeah, you know, Stefan said, I think the number one goal you, probably want to have, you probably want to have players assert themselves and you want to have players find a role, you know, and basically where you can just like check off a box. Like you would love to see Ethan and Yawa like seize the left tackle position to where there’s not even a question about it. You know, I’m sure you would love to have Carson Hinsman show up.
and be like, I’m the starting center of this team and he takes control and he’s far and away the best center. Like I think that’s the number one goal. So the number two goal that I have is I think on the interior, I would like to see if this team can start to develop a hierarchy there because there’s Carson Hinsman, there’s Luke Montgomery, there’s Tegra Shibola, there’s Josh Padilla, there’s Austin Cereveld. You got Devante Armstrong, you got Jake Cook, you got Ian Mo- or excuse me, and-
Gabe Van Sickle, you eight guys, right? That I think I got everybody. You got eight guys. I would like to see some kind of OK, this is, know, who we think is going to play here. This is maybe these are guys getting the majority of the first team reps. Maybe these are guys that are working in with the first team, but not getting as many like I think you I think you would like to leave spring practice with a penciled in.
first and second team. It’s like, hey man, there’s going to be a battle for left guard, but we know who’s going to be the center and there’s going to be a battle for right guard, but we know who’s going to be the center. Like I think having some kind of idea where things are at on the interior is really going to help you there because you know, there’s just so many names and you would like to kind of work through them and be able to figure out. Okay, we think our best combination at Ohio State is Carson Hinsman is our center.
or Josh Padilla is our center. And then we think Tegra Shibola is best at right guard. So he’s going to play right guard, but then this guy’s better at right guard. So we’re to play him and Shibola are going to be the combination of right guard and they’re, they’re going to battle it out. Like, I think you need some kind of hierarchy because I don’t think you can just say, well, man, we just got a lot of options. We’re going to figure it out one day. Like I think, I think having, you know, some idea of what that interior looks like those three positions, you know, first team, second team.
Andrew (28:47.8)
who’s gonna play where, I think that needs to be a big priority. Just because you have so many names, you’ve kinda gotta sift through the debris a little bit and figure out where guys are gonna go.
Stephen Means (29:00.856)
You guys are asking for a lot of things that are not about to happen this spring.
I can guarantee you there’s not gonna be a single hierarchy that comes out of it. Well, no, I can guarantee I am about 85 % confident that there is not going to be a hierarchy coming out of the spring Because they don’t want to have a hierarchy coming out of the spring Nor do they care have a hierarchy coming out of the spring I think this is going to be a very different spring one because Ryan Day said it was going to be a very different spring but also because
I mean, the facts are the facts. It’s been less than two months since they played their last football game. And it will still be less than two months since they played their last football game when they start practicing for the spring.
on Monday. So I don’t
There are some places where there are competitions where it’s like, okay, naturally a hierarchy is going to be formed. I don’t think in a year where you’re replacing four day one starters, which include a potential first round draft pick, an All-American who was the potential first round draft pick, and a Remington award winner and a two year starter for you. I don’t know if in a world where you brought in two transfers, I don’t know if in a world where you also have a new offensive line coach who is still getting the new, know these guys, if.
Stephen Means (30:27.95)
we’re gonna get to April 12th and Tyler Bowen, even if he doesn’t say it publicly, I don’t know if he’s gonna be in his office going, I know my hierarchy. I think the goal for the offensive line is to get to 10 guys. It’s a lofty goal, but it’s a goal they need to try to achieve, because I don’t know when the last time Ohio State could say, we have a Too Deep, and we feel confident about the Too Deep, like all 10 guys.
If something happens to our start and left guard and we got to throw the backup in there, we won’t blink. If something happens to the start and right tackle and we got to throw the backup in there and we won’t blink. Get back to the place they were in in 2021 when I know we’re joking about the fact that they just did a whole bunch of rotating and won a national title, but that was not out of a place of strength. That was out of a place of. We have to be as creative as possible because these guys are just not used to playing starter reps. Luke Montgomery went from playing, I think like.
75 snaps or something like that the entire year to all of a sudden he’s starting in college football playoff games. You can’t ask that guy to go, hey, I know you’ve played 85 snaps all year, but we might need you to play 85 snaps tonight. And it’s cold against a playoff team, Tennessee. That’s just not a realistic thing to ask. But can you get Owen Yawa, Ian Moore, Montgomery, Vansickel, Hensman, Josh Padilla, Shabola, Saraval?
Carter Lowe, Philip Dick, can you get those, can you get 10 guys where you go, okay, I feel confident about these 10. And then whenever you start fall camp, that’s when you go, fight, let’s rank them. I just, don’t know if offensive line is on the radar for me of you absolutely have to find out who your starters are. You absolutely have to find out who your best players are. I think Tyler Bowen just needs to make sure that he has.
more than enough good players to choose from so that his only headache when fall camp starts is, man, all these guys are so good, I need to figure out what the best combination is.
Stefan Krajisnik (32:36.291)
Yeah, I don’t think like I said earlier, I don’t think you’re going to solidify a starting five. But like you talk about Ian Moore, can he solidify himself as one of the 10? Like I think if he does, then I think we’re looking at it saying, okay, we have an idea. Maybe not who’s going to be a starter, but we know Ian Moore is part of that competition now at right tackle or, know, Austin Cerval is really taking a step like we know he’s part of that competition. One of the guard spots. So yeah, I want to make it clear. I don’t think we’re coming out of camp. Any of us penciling or sharpening in
starting five, but you know, if someone emerges in that 10, maybe you know, maybe it’s Josh, but I don’t know. Maybe it’s maybe it’s one of the Armstrong like emerges in that that battle for the 10 that we can kind of say, Okay, what? Well, we don’t know the starting left guard is but here’s a name that’s maybe in the mix and we didn’t expect that.
Andrew (33:25.474)
But I think you probably want to leave the spring with eight and then maybe get to 10 over the course of the summer and fall camp. I think that that might be fair where you have, you know, hey, we don’t need to have the too deep now. But what I’m saying is like you have Anya, Anya, you have Daniels, you have more. It’s like, OK, you need to find a fourth tackle. But then you’ve got Hinsman, Montgomery, Shabola, Padilla, Cereveld. Like that’s eight. And I think if you’re like, all right,
Stephen Means (33:34.222)
I’m not here to be fair. Yeah, I’m not here to be fair.
Andrew (33:54.83)
If these guys play like we think they can and we leave the spring with eight, you know, we it would be great to see some steps from Gabe van Sickle. It would, you know, a player who, you know, can step up on the interior. Maybe he can be somebody that can be that ninth guy. And then, you know, hey, maybe Deontay Armstrong. Hey, maybe, you know, we like him and he can take a step forward, you know, in spring and over the summer. And then when we get to fall camp, we’re like, wow, all right. Now we feel good about him at tackle. I think I don’t know if you need 10 on.
April 12th. I don’t know if you know you’re sitting there on April 12th going man we only have eight we’re in trouble. I don’t think that that necessarily is a fair goal. I know you said you’re not here to be fair but I don’t think it’s fair.
Stephen Means (34:33.816)
Yeah, that’s also not my point. It’s not about what’s fair. It’s about what’s bountiful. My goal is for them to have a bountiful of options, not for them to have a fair amount of options. Shoot for stars, man. Yeah, if they have eight, that’s fine. I’m not asking for five.
Stefan Krajisnik (34:52.269)
I think Ohio State football just taught us that if you have 20 options at offensive line, maybe then you feel safe.
Stephen Means (34:58.956)
Right. So I’m not exactly we’re coming off a year where their best offensive line were literally standing on the sidelines inside the Rose Bowl.
I don’t, yeah, eight is fine. You know what’s better than eight? 10. Let’s see if you, I’m not saying I’m gonna, listen, if we come back and review these in May, and for whatever reason, Tyler Bowen decides to tell us in May, which I doubt he would say this exact number, but what if he does? He comes out and says, well, I have eight or I have nine. I’m not gonna go, failure. Shame on you for not getting the 10. No, I’m just gonna.
Say right now, it would be great if you could shoot for 10 and maybe get 10. That would be awesome if you could get to 10 because again, you’re coming off a year where offensive line injuries derailed your season for a little bit. You figured it out, of course, but it did kind of derail your season at a weird part when you got to your starting center getting hurt three days before top five matchup. it’s this is not a get 10 or else. It’s a can you get the 10? It’s a it’s a challenge.
It’s something to meet. Let’s see if they can do it. Andrew, buy some stuff.
Andrew (36:15.476)
Yeah, I’m going to buy some stock in Josh Padilla. I think Josh Padilla, when you look at this offensive line and, I think even if you say Karsten Hinsman is the center, like even if you kind of put him behind the eight ball, I don’t think it’s crazy for Josh Padilla to be one of the two best guards on this team. And, you know, I think he might be a little bit undervalued because
Hey man, Luke Montgomery just played and was on the road for a national championship and Tegra Shibola started all season and like, it’s not crazy for any Buckeye Talk listener or for you guys or for whoever to go. Well, I think they’re starting offensive lineman from our interior offensive line from left guard to right guard is going to be Luke Montgomery, Carson Hinsman and Tegra Shibola.
That’s absolutely what might happen, right? Like that is absolutely a possibility. And I don’t think that’s crazy to say. I don’t think it’s crazy to give any really combination about this offensive line, but I think Josh Padilla might be really good. And I saw a lot of things in spring practice last year that I liked from him. I thought he held up well when he was inserted in the lineup and it’s just.
This is a guy that you might just look at and say, this is a starter and he’s not maybe being talked about as a starter right now. So I’m to buy in on Josh Padilla right now because I think when you throw him out there with Hinsman, Montgomery, Shabola, Austin, Sarah Vail, he is the one guy that didn’t have the starter reps, which is why I think his stock is going to be so low. And I think as you talk about where this stock can get to, I mean,
starter. I don’t think anybody would be floored if Josh Padilla was a starter, but he has the least experience. So I think this is probably the safe, maybe the most safe long shot bet that you can make.
Stefan Krajisnik (38:21.079)
My one counter to that is I think Josh Padilla was one of the guys I was out on my list to buy stock. I think if he does get into the mix, I feel more confident now that it will be at center. That’s from talking to Seth Maloff. I asked him, was like, he one of the guys who can maybe play one of the card spots? And Seth basically was like, nah, think his future is probably at center. So maybe he’s not as much in that guard competition as we think, but I would not be surprised if Josh Padilla was the starting center and Hinsman was one of the starting guards.
Stephen Means (38:21.508)
stuff on.
Stephen Means (38:37.635)
Stefan Krajisnik (38:49.783)
That might actually be what I predict at the end of spring camp because I like, I like Josh pretty a lot. He’s one of the guys that I, like I said, I debated buying stock in, but I think if we see him start, think I would say it’s going to be at center more, more so than anything else. And maybe by maybe I’m more confident that now after talking to Seth and golf and about it.
Stephen Means (39:07.277)
Yeah, they were.
Stephen Means (39:12.0)
Yeah, they recruited him to be their future starting center and he’s entering year three and I Don’t know it’s kind of I don’t want to say it’s not now or never dudes got I Think like two more years ago the football maybe three I don’t know eligibility is weird. The point that matters They recruit him to be their future starting center. It does seem like this is a window for him Maybe you’ll compete and win that job so far buy some stuff
Stefan Krajisnik (39:37.217)
Yeah, all my stock in Luke Montgomery, you know, it’s it’s probably not a surprising name. But I mean, just because he started the national championship game doesn’t make him a household name around the Big Ten. But he could be an all Big Ten All American level guard, I think this season. And I’d probably say right now it’s a left card. But like like we’ve said throughout this episode, you could move people around anywhere by the time August rolls around based on how confident we are really penciling anyone in right now. So
I think Luke was outstanding in the playoff and it wasn’t too surprising because we heard so much about Luke all season and these injuries kept happening and we’re all kind of just sitting there being like, when is Montgomery getting into this mix? And finally, as the playoff got there, he got into mix and he was outstanding to the point where I know Sirvold was kind of banged up by the time we got to the Notre Dame game. think he was, was it the Texas game where he had, I think the broadcast had kind of said that he was banged up a bit.
But I still think Luke Montgomery was their best left guard by the time we got to the end of the playoff. I don’t think he was the starter out of necessity. I think he might have been the starter just because he was their best option at that point because of how he played. So I’m buying stock in him as an all big 10 caliber guard this year. I think he’s legit. I think that experience in the playoff is paramount, right? Like if the season ended after the Michigan game, we’d be saying, I mean, yeah, Luke Montgomery.
it kind of feels like maybe now or never, like, when is he going to make that jump? Is he going to be a starter like Kenny Salida? And now we’re kind of looking at it being like that’s a dude who just started against four top eight teams to help a team win a national championship and played at a really high level. I’m confident with Luke is about to be at Ohio State in 2025. And I think it’s gonna be a special year for him. So maybe maybe I’m not buying cheap stock. Maybe it’s kind of expensive stock, but I think it’s still still worthwhile stock because I think he’s gonna be pretty darn good this year.
Stephen Means (41:37.742)
That’s who I would have picked if he was still on the board.
Stephen Means (41:43.82)
He was mauling people in the run game and he was getting more comfortable along he was out there Yeah, I think and he’s I think he’s but one of the better just athletes in the room and that helps too and when I listen Donovan Jackson is a heck of an athlete and you have to find a way to replace that I’m not saying that Luke Montgomery’s gonna be every bit of what Donovan Jackson was but I think as a guard Luke Montgomery can be as good as Donovan Jackson was as a guard I don’t know about this That’s a different conversation
Donovan Jackson was an emergency left tackle. They started Luke Montgomery at tackle and quickly moved him in the guard. I thought about going with Carson Hinsman because did you guys see the face mask he was wearing this year?
He was wearing like the full cape with the bar in the middle. Like this is 1994. And that alone just makes him a boss to me. I hope he keeps that. I think all more offensive linemen should wear that look cause it’s awesome. And you should put a visor on it cause it’s even more awesome. Cause it’s just like, I also think they should bring back the dark visor in college football for just.
Andrew (42:47.586)
I was just gonna say like you’re just trying to create Carson Hinsman as like a college football, like a college football 25 player. You’re just like, let me just go to the edit player menu and like add out all the gear.
Stephen Means (42:54.978)
Yes. I’m not seeing the problem with what I’m doing. He looked like a boss with him and I love I listen. I love when players fashion sense on the field matches the position they play. So yeah, if you play corner, I want the double sleeve look. You know, I want the the F7 face mass where I want all that right? If you’re a quarterback, keep it simple, clean and simple. If you want to find that’s cool, but keep it clean and simple.
Wide receiver, if you want the tape that goes over your nose and eyes, wear that. Wristbands, some cool gloves, some don’ts, cleats, I’m all forward. If you play linebacker or you play offensive line, I want you to look like a scary human being.
Stefan Krajisnik (43:42.755)
The neck guard, need the neck guard for a linebacker.
Stephen Means (43:45.508)
Bike linebacker green dot net guard. Bring it back, man. Bring it back.
Stefan Krajisnik (43:51.267)
Steven, what are your thoughts on the corners and safeties in the NFL that have multiple mouth guards now as kind of decoration?
Stephen Means (43:59.79)
So here’s deal. The first time I saw that was, it was the moment, it was probably one of the older moments I’ve had in my life so far, was 2023. It was 2023 and Cardinal Tate did it against Purdue and I was so confused. I was like, why does he have two of those in there? And I tweeted a picture of it. said, can anybody explain this to me? People are like, you’re out of touch. How do you not know this? They did the Twitter thing. I’m like, nobody actually answered my question. They just said, how dare you not know?
why people are doing this. He’s like, I don’t play football, dude. So why would I know what football players are choosing to do in the locker room? Just tell me why he’s doing it. And so then I asked Korn, I’ll tell you about it. It’s like, it’s no particular reason. It’s just fashion. I love, it.
Because the whole point of why they’re doing it is so they can have the cool one hanging down, but also be safe. No, no, go hard or go home. Okay, either wear the mouthpiece or don’t wear it. Don’t try to do both. Don’t have the best. This is not Hannah Montana. There is no best of both worlds here. Pick a world and live in it. Live in the world.
I hate it.
Stefan Krajisnik (45:08.9)
I did not expect that Hannah Montana reference from you at any point in Buckeye Talk history.
Andrew (45:14.062)
Is that the first time that Hannah Montana has been referenced on Buckeye Talk ever?
Stephen Means (45:17.398)
No, because the previous host of this podcast is a Disney nut. Yeah. I mean, yeah, listen. Yeah, why not? He has kids. He’s two daughters. For you think they grew up watching Hannah Montana? For Hannah Montana?
Stefan Krajisnik (45:20.483)
I was gonna say I could see Doug bring it up.
Andrew (45:21.588)
I knew that but I was like is Hannah Montana like is that something that he was like well versed in? I know I was gonna say he has kids but like yeah I know that but it’s like they were probably like they’re probably too young for that. They’re probably too young for that.
Stefan Krajisnik (45:29.315)
is the guy.
Andrew (45:39.754)
And then one day it was like our generation saying, I’m 28 years old.
Stephen Means (45:44.312)
Disney Plus exists, Andrew. Like, you can just pull these cartoons and these shows up.
Andrew (45:48.014)
I guess. I mean, I don’t know what kids watch these days. Yes. Yeah. So that feels a little bit, that feels a little bit old for that.
Stephen Means (45:51.266)
His kids are in college!
Stephen Means (45:58.828)
Okay, I guess. Here’s Andrew telling you what you can and can’t watch as a child, ladies and gentlemen.
Andrew (46:04.302)
I’m just asking questions.
Stephen Means (46:07.8)
Apparently if you weren’t born in the 90s, you’re not allowed to watch Hannah Montana. So I guess that take that.
Stefan Krajisnik (46:12.877)
I mean in Andrews defense, Miley Cyrus is no longer popular, so there’s no way you know Hannah Montana existed.
Andrew (46:13.442)
Just asking for
Stephen Means (46:19.876)
Didn’t she just want to grant me or something? I don’t listen.
Stefan Krajisnik (46:22.445)
It was sarcasm, Stephen. Yes, Miley Cyrus is still very popular.
Stephen Means (46:29.06)
I really don’t know. I don’t know. Like you were, missed the conversation on Friday when a certain someone on the beat, Berm decided to be like, Oh, Beyonce is not a prevalent artist anymore. And yeah, you missed the day. Yeah. was a, for people. You want to know what the beat talks about? We talk about football and we Beyonce has been a conversation on the beat way too many times in the past seven months. It’s, a little weird.
Andrew (46:30.584)
Thanks guys.
Stefan Krajisnik (46:42.883)
I did miss that. I’m glad I missed that.
Stephen Means (46:58.638)
But okay, fine, whatever. Offensive lineman, not sure what had, yeah, we were talking fashion sense. I do like the fact that wide receivers are wearing different colors though. I do like that because Ohio State’s scarlet and gray, but it’s not like they have to wear the scarlet, gray or white or black mouthpiece. Jeremiah’s wore a green one at one point. I Caleb Downs had a purple one. I don’t know what the company is, but they’re the people that everybody’s mouth guards that everyone’s wearing now. I love that. Wide receivers.
Diva fashion sense. Quarterbacks professional fashion sense. Michelle Lamar Jackson. You can do whatever you want.
Offensive lineman, grimy. I want you to look like a scary man who is out there to put human beings in the ground because that is literally your job. So Carson Hensman, kudos to you on the face mask choice. But that’s not my pick.
I’m buying stock in Tyler Bowen. I’m buying stock in him as a recruiter because that’s essentially what he’s going to be doing a lot of over the next six months here while getting to know his room. I am buying stock in him as an offensive mind because he has not coached the offensive line position as a position coach in quite some time. In fact, it has been since, I’m trying to look back here, 2016.
Excuse me, no, 2017 at Maryland he was also offensive line coach. That’s the last time he was an offensive line coach. Since then, at Penn State he was a tight ends coach and an offensive recruiting coordinator. And then he had turned into the interim offensive coordinator and then he was a co-offensive coordinator and offensive recruiting coordinator and tight ends coach. They just kept giving him reasons. Then he went to Jacksonville with Erwin Meyer and he was a tight ends coach. Then he went to Virginia Tech where he was the offensive coordinator and tight ends coach and then they made him the quarterbacks coach for his last two years there. It’s been a long time.
Stephen Means (48:50.584)
since he’s coached the offensive line. So this could backfire from a coaching the offensive line standpoint, except Andrew, he is also a former offensive lineman who is a very large human being. Very large human being.
Andrew (49:01.986)
He’s so big. Like I shook his hand and you like, like his hand like envelopes yours when you shake his hand and like you like have to like look up to him when you talk. It’s he’s a, he’s a big man.
Stephen Means (49:08.26)
It’s a mountain.
Stephen Means (49:14.594)
Large human being, large human being. But also I liked the way he was talking about the run game a little bit and what he wants to add to it and getting vertical and eliminating TFLs and tackles at the line of scrimmage. And I think that might work with this group of running backs where Bo Jackson’s a bigger back. James people is not so much taller, but he’s pretty broad-shouldered person, CJ Donaldson.
Andrew (49:40.174)
Stephen Means (49:41.696)
is a pretty large back. They’ve got some physical running backs back there. A lot of guys who, don’t know, not in terms of running style, but in terms of physicality and what they bring to the table naturally, where you do want those guys just getting uphill. And I think Tyler Bourne, the way he was talking about that last Friday, I liked the way he was talking about his visions for what this run game is going to be. And pairing that with Brian Hartline,
as the play caller and pairing that with Keenan Bailey and Billy Fessler and Ryan Day and what they might be able to come up with with this year’s running game. Because I do think it can’t just be last year’s because you don’t have the same guys built on the offensive line and that running back. And so how does he adapt that to this group with this offensive line and these running backs and how it maybe applies there. So I’m going to buy some stock in Tyler Bowen that this is going to be.
I’m not gonna call it a home run higher yet because that’s just, I’ll say it has a chance to, he’s gonna make contact and he’ll make contact in a way where it’s going to at least be a triple. And let’s see if the ball can get enough air under it that it ends up being a home run. I do think it’s headed in that trajectory. So that’s my guy. Minds not going. Go ahead.
Stefan Krajisnik (50:52.471)
I think his his role in the run game is is something I think we’re to talk about a ton because like you said, you’re losing Quinn Sean and Trevion so that you’re going to have to be better upfront because you don’t have two guys like that who can make up for maybe some other things. But also like you’re losing Chip Kelly and as great of an offensive coordinator as he is like he is exceptional in the running game like he is Hall of Fame first ballot run game guy.
in terms of what he’s able to do in his career and what he did at Ohio State. So Tyler Bowen’s role on this team, the more we kind of get to hear from him, get to hear from Ryan Day, the more this spring is going to roll around into fall camp. I think the more we’re going to see that this guy’s pretty instrumental to this offense outside of just developing and recruiting offensive linemen.
Stephen Means (51:48.014)
So Luke Montgomery, Josh Padilla and Tyler Warren. Bowen, I like the Luke Montgomery pick too. I like the Josh, I think these are three solid picks because I don’t think the stock on any of these guys is specifically high. It’s not low, right? I don’t think you’re getting it at the lowest amount you could possibly get it. But I think you’re getting it at a time when six months from now, it’s like bubbling, right? It might turn into something. If we were doing illegal insider trading, this is.
something that people would do. I’m bringing up lot of weird examples today, Andrew. Listen, I’m here to pod today. Are you here to pod today? I’m here to run the ball. All right, I’m here to run the ball. Sometimes you just gotta run the ball. And sometimes you just gotta throw it because it’ll win your national championship. But that’s fine. Let’s take our final break and then we’ll come to some conclusions about this offensive line here on Booker Talk.
Andrew (52:25.835)
Stephen Means (52:40.324)
We’re back on Buckeye Talk, Stephen Means, Stephon Kreisnick, and Andrew Gillis wrapping up our spring previews with our offensive line. We spent last week doing defense. We’ve been doing offense all week this week, and we’re wrapping it up with a group that has more new than any group on the offensive side of the ball. Really, maybe on the entire team when you add in the fact that it’s a new position coach and it’s a lot of new starters in comparison. Obviously the quarterbacks gonna be a new starter there too, but at least.
There’s two of the three guys who are returning guys in the room. Andrew, you first. Where’d you have your offensive line ranked amongst offensive positions?
Andrew (53:18.158)
had them fifth, actually. I think there’s a lot of upside there. I also think that there’s a lot of questions there. you know, I think, you know, you could make a case where it’s like, okay, receiver, obviously. And then like, I have pretty clearly talked myself into Max Clair and, you know, maybe some of the other options in that room. And then it’s like, okay, well, do you believe in Julian saying, cause he’s on that list. And then.
Stephen Means (53:21.316)
You got to lose this. Okay.
Andrew (53:45.9)
It’s kind of just, okay, running back or offensive line. And that to me was how I ended up at offensive line fifth. So I had offensive line last. Maybe that was a bit too instinctive, but there is a lot of change here and there is a lot moving around and that just kind of leaves you with questions, not necessarily being overly negative about it. It’s just, you don’t know what it’s going to be. So that’s why I think I had them fifth more than anything.
Stephen Means (54:14.702)
So your official rankings on the offensive side. First was receiver, second was tight end, third was quarterback, fourth was running back, and now offensive line is fifth. Stephon, where is offensive line for you?
Stefan Krajisnik (54:29.347)
Can I ask you to read off my rankings? admittedly have not turned on my laptop for a week. So when I opened it, my Word document was gone with my rankings.
Stephen Means (54:39.32)
What a shame, what a shame. Wide receiver was one, quarterback was two, running back was three. And so you’re to have offensive line at four because Titan was five for you. Why are they four?
Stefan Krajisnik (54:50.753)
Yeah, yeah, I couldn’t remember if I had offensive line at four or five with tight ends. So yeah, I’m a bit more confident offensive line than tight end just because I know what Ohio State can do with its offensive line, even when it is shaky. And I think it’s going to be a lot more stable by the time we get to August compared to what it was throughout last season. So I’m pretty confident in this group, to be quite honest with you. Like we’re talking competitions and things of that nature.
And I think they’re all healthy competitions. Like I don’t think any of us are looking at, you know, let’s say it’s Searveld versus Montgomery for the left guard starting spot. Like those are two pretty good options. Searveld and Shibola competing for right guard, kind of like they did throughout last season. Pretty good options. And I know people, you know, kind of like, like the single out of Shibola just cause you know, he was definitely the worst of the four, of the five, I guess, quote unquote day one starters.
last season, but if he has a strong spring and he has a strong offseason, that’s a returning starter who’s got a lot of reps under his belt. If he gets better, okay, then that’s a starter who’s even better than he was the year before. But like if it’s him in several competing for right card, I think you’re feeling pretty good about the option. So we don’t have answers in terms of the starting five right now. But I think there’s at least eight guys that we’re all fairly confident in if they are the starter. So I think they’re in a pretty good spot. I like this unit. I think they’re gonna have a pretty good
2025 season.
Stephen Means (56:24.152)
Adam Forth.
Stephen Means (56:27.928)
my list with the tight ends being fifth on the list and it’s simply because the skill positions are just so good this year. I think this offensive line and chance to be very, good this year. Just the skill positions are, I mean, there’s all American level potential at all three of the quarterback running back and wide receiver spots. Well, potential for some, and then there’s already like Jeremiah Smith and all American. That’s not necessarily potential. That potential is more like, can he get to the Heisman Trophy?
file this conversation that Julian saying if he’s what we think he is, can he get to the highest trophy file this conversation between James peoples and Bo Jackson and senior TJ Donaldson? Can one of those guys put themselves in position where maybe there are to be the best running back in the big 10? That’s what we’re talking about there. I don’t know if we’re there yet with the offensive line. And as I mentioned earlier, Titan is less about ability and more about opportunity in terms of how often they’ll be able to show it.
Stefan, you first. Better, same or the, well actually no, Texas first. Texas had them third as well. They got 28 % of the second place votes. 28 % of the third place votes. 16.9 % of the fourth place votes and 26.3 % of the fifth place votes. They also did get a couple of first place votes. So their overall rankings, wide receiver one, quarterback two, offensive line three, tight end four, and running back five. Wide receiver was a clear cut number one. Quarterback was.
The number two by a decent amount, their overall score 3.1. Offensive line was a 3.4. Tight end was a 3.46. So obviously there was a little tighter there than 3.90 at running back. essentially, wide receiver was number one and the other four positions I think had some variation throughout the situation. And Stefan, better, same or worse for the offensive line in 2025.
Stefan Krajisnik (58:22.665)
Which version am I comparing it to from 2024? Which combination?
Andrew (58:26.284)
That- that exactly- I was so glad you called on Stefan first, because that exactly was the problem that I had with him.
Stefan Krajisnik (58:29.891)
I can’t say that they’re going to be better than the combination of Simmons, Jackson, McLaughlin, Shabola and Friar. I don’t know if it’s better than that because you have literally three guys who were maybe the best at their position in the country. Are they better than the unit that we saw against Notre Dame or maybe throughout just the playoff as a whole? I think they will be. I think they will be.
Stephen Means (58:40.206)
Stephen Means (59:01.796)
So better say we’re the worst in 2024. No, I was going to do that. Better say we’re the worst in 2024 Andrew.
Stefan Krajisnik (59:05.343)
Stefan Krajisnik (59:09.633)
Andrew (59:16.046)
I said the same. And the reason I said the same is because I think Stephon’s right. If you were to take the unit from the beginning of 2024, I think it’s worse because like Josh Simmons was a first round talent. You had the Remington award winner at center. Like, and I think we started to see that offensive line just kind of slowly, obviously take some hits throughout the year and go down. I think when they were fully healthy last year, I think the 2025 unit is probably going to be worse.
The unit that we saw from, what would that be? Indiana onward. I have the same because I think it’s important to not overstate how good Donovan Jackson was at left tackle for this team. So it’s like, okay, are you going to get that same level of left tackle play? Which is like, I mean, if Donovan Jackson did that for a full season, he’s a first round pick pretty clearly.
Like, I don’t think there’s a question about it. And it’s like, was kicking butt against some of the best defensive lines in the country. James Pierce, Jordan Birch, the kid from Texas whose name I’m forgetting, Colin Simmons, I think. He was awesome against really, really good defenses. So it’s like, okay, even if you take a step back there.
maybe some of the interior guys, Carson Hinsman, Luke Montgomery, Tiger Shibola, whoever’s gonna start in that group, maybe they take a step forward. We don’t know about right tackle. I think maybe it all kinda comes out in the wash a little bit and you say like, all right, maybe you lose a really great left tackle, but you see a big step forward at left guard or at center or something. So I had the same just because I think the way that that unit ended the season, they were playing fairly well.
And I think it’s reasonable to take or to expect some guys to take that jump in the interior. But we do have questions to tackle even if you do think that you brought in two starters.
Stephen Means (01:01:28.004)
Our texters said the same, 44 % said the same, and 36 % said better, only 19 % said worse.
Stephen Means (01:01:37.156)
I’m gonna go out on another ledge and buy some more stock and say better.
Individual talent they lost a lot. Yes, but again that group played four games together Ohio State’s Day one starting offensive line last year played four games together. So while we can sit here and say it was great It was but they played four games together and it’s not like they played like the best opponents on a schedule when they played four games together because we gotta remember Donovan Jackson missed the first two games of the year, so
You wanna know when they had their full starting offensive line of Josh Simmons, Donovan Jackson, Seth McLaughlin, Tegra Shabola, and Josh Fryer? Marshall, Michigan State, Iowa, and the first half of the Oregon game.
So I don’t know. I think we can all assume that yeah, that group would have been awesome all year. And if they have that group, the Michigan game goes very differently. And at the end of the day, they get the same result as they had that then this year where they, maybe they’re 15 and one instead of 14 and two, and they won a national title. All that’s of course on the table. But I think from an individual talent point, sure. They’re replacing first rounder, potential first rounder, Remington award winner, two year start.
I get that.
Stephen Means (01:03:02.254)
But do we realize that Carson Hinsman started more games on the offensive line this year than Josh Simmons did? Do we realize that Donovan Jackson started the same amount of games that left tackle as Josh Simmons did this year, past year? So we don’t know what that group was. I think we have an idea of it. We don’t know what that group was, but I know the group that ended up winning them a national title. And I think...
Yeah, it’s going to be hard to replace your left guard that you have to turn into your left tackle. But you know how they’re going to do that with a guy who’s been a left tackle his entire career. Didn’t have to go there because they ran out of options. I think Carson Hensman will be better. I think Luke Montgomery will be better. I think Ted Gorsh Ebola will be better. I think he just. That was the first year of his career where he’s played a lot of meaningful snaps, and I think it started just kind of way on him as the season went on there. I think Austin Cerevo will be better.
I think Ian Moore will be better. think Philip Daniels got some quality experience at the end of last year at Minnesota. I think they’re going to be deeper. And I think there is a chance that we get to December and the ceiling could be just as high. I’m not saying 100 % it’s going to happen, but I am going to leave room for it. And I’m going to say they’re going be better this year because of it, because one, they’re to have more options.
to their left guard is not gonna be playing left tackle. He says right now, knowing that in December, any crazy thing can happen. But I think it’ll be a better group because it’ll be a deeper group and not so top heavy the way it was this past year, where it felt like at least for a second there, it came crashing and burning the moment that Josh Simmons got hurt and then crash and burned again when Seth McLaughlin got hurt until we saw it. Stefan, I’m going to make you answer the question.
Stefan Krajisnik (01:04:53.827)
I’ll say better. I lean better. think this could be one of the best offensive lines in the country. And we don’t know what the combination of it is. And I think that’s why I’m excited about this unit is because we don’t even know who the five starters are. And I’m still confident that they could be the best offensive line in the country. Because any combination of like the eight names we mentioned, if they got to that starting spot, it’s because they beat out someone else who’s really damn good at that position too. So I’m pretty confident in this unit.
Stephen Means (01:05:05.859)
Stephen Means (01:05:26.68)
Get the 10 man. See if you can do it If you got 10 that you definitely have eight and you probably still have questions about those last two But let’s just see let’s just see what happens dude. I like their odds. I like the chance I like this group. I like that We’re gonna get chance to watch them go up against defensive one who’s also got a lot to prove this year There’s a lot of guys who have a lot to prove because there’s not a lot of returning starters on this team. That’ll do it Previewing time is over with Monday pod. Well, we didn’t really go over what Ryan did a lot of these guys had to say when we talked with
All the assistance last week. We’ll do that on Monday, going into the first day of spring practice. And then we’re off and running the 2025 season is officially underway. And at least the preparation for it is, and we’ll be in there watching, listening, and learning about the 2025 Ohio state football roster as they try to repeat as national champions. Get the text 614-350-3315, two week free trial 399 after that for Stefan Christich and Andrew Gillis. I’m Stephen Means. And that was Book Ride Talk.